
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Tutorial: Wake Up With Beach Waves!!

Today I'm going to show you my tutorial (with pictures) on how to wake up with sexy beach waves!! The steps are very simple and you dont have to use the same hair products as I do, just use whatever you have at your home, or you like alot.

  1. Wash hair with a curl or wave enhancing shampoo. My hair is thick/long so I dont condition afterwards.
  2. After washing, use a wide tooth comb or detangling comb on wet hair.
  3. Apply a leave in conditioner or curl/wave enhancing gel or cream. I used WEN Sweet Almond Mint Cleansing Conditioner. 
  4. Comb through thoroughly.
  5. Allow hair to air dry for 5-10 minutes.
  6. Pull hair into a high pony tail.
  7. Pick up pony tail and twist tightly, then wrap around the base in a circle to make a bun. 
  8. Apply another elastic band on the outside of the bun to secure it. 
  9. Leave in over night for sexy beach waves in the morning!

  • If you wake up throughout the night and your bun has come undone, try to put it back up (if you're not too tired, lol) until morning. When you get up in the morning remove both elastic bands  and tousle hair. I find it best to finger comb instead of using anything else because it has a tendency to mess up the 'beach wave' effect. Feel free to apply a scrunching gel or light-medium hold moveable hair spray.
  • Because I have really thick long hair, when I wake up in the morning my hair is still mostly wet (crazy, i know!). So i usually blow dry hair a little before doing this.
  • Your roots are not going to be very wavy from being pulled tight into the bun alnight, so i like to give myself a 'bump' or a 1/2 pony tail.
  • If your hair isnt quite as wavy as you would have liked when you wake up, simply take a hot curling iron and quickly twist some pieces around it with your fingers to fix any straight pieces and perfect your wave.

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